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Unsung Heroes of COVID- Demetrius Palmer

Health and Wellness

Heroes are sometimes selfless and dedicated leaders who devote their lives to helping others, and this nominee exemplifies both qualities. Meet Demetrius Palmer. Demetrius is an employee at Excelsior Wellness center, an organization helping children with mental health services, housing, and even schooling clients. Excelsior uses a holistic approach to treatment, utilizing eight dimensions of wellness. Excelsior’s principaI, Aaron Chavez nominated Demitrius out of all the staff there.

Demitrius Is a life coach at Excelsior and has been an extra supportive presence during the pandemic. Demitrius has a YouTube channel where he makes motivational videos for his students every day. When asked about why he does what he does, Demitrius says “As a leader, it’s my responsibility to help guide our youth but to also lead by example. I live by 5 core values of Accountability, Dedication, Integrity, Respect, and Teamwork. These are important in order to structure any team. These kids are on our team and it’s our responsibility as captains to develop them into functional human beings and to teach them the tools they will need in order to live life in a responsible way regardless of what situations or issues they’ve experienced in their life.”

Demitrius is known for being highly liked and respected by Excelsior students and for doing a lot to improve their lives. He’s a kind and caring person, tremendous support to his colleagues and students, and a hero of COVID.

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